Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Why I cancelled my WWE Network Subscription

I've spent a lot of time on twitter retweeting people arguing against the Trump presidency and I haven't made a move to show my displeasure in any way that matters. Now, with the appointment of Linda McMahon to the Small Business Administration I can let my disappointment hit people who matter in the pocket books. Granted the ten dollars a month I pay for the WWE Network that I'm about to cancel isn't a lot, but it is just the beginning as it also mean that I won't be buying any WWE merch and there are a lot of wrestlers I like to support in the company even when WWE is providing poor programing, and that is going to be lost as well.

There are probably lots of WWE wrestlers that don't support Trump and that sucks that I won't be watching them anymore. I grew into a real wrestling fan watching a lot of those guys come up in the indies, but I've talked a big game about boycotting things in the past for their bad actions. Stuff like not listening to R Kelly or Chris Brown was easy because I didn't like either of them before their shitty behavior. I put a minor move toward that in action today when Kid Rock came on the radio with “Bawitdaba” one of the two songs of his I like and I changed it because he's an asshole. And nothing really tests my resolve like canceling something in wrestling which is probably my second favorite thing behind video games. I've stopped watching Raw before, but this time fuck 'em. Raw sucks anyway and Smackdown may be good, but I've got plenty of NJPW to watch with their streaming service anyway. Plus there are many other independent companies that provide streaming services to watch as well.

Of those I'm mainly looking into getting Progress Wrestling or Chikara. I'm not a big fan of Chikara's comedy, but they have a strong continuity and I do love a good time with my wrestling shows. On the other hand Progress is a company I've heard nothing but good things about and has the UK wrestlers who have been a huge deal in the US and Japan recently so they've got damn good wrestling. Some may say FloSlam is a good choice, but Gabe Sapolsky tweeted something about how Linda was a good choice for the position and that bums me out. Now I know part of it is that WWE has been working with Gabe recently and helped him so he wants to support them even though he is on a competing streaming network, but that bums me out because of how the WWE with Linda and Vince in charge has operated.

There are places where you can find more comprehensive histories about how WWE came to be what it is, but there are many reasons that should disqualify Linda from being in any kind of position regulating small businesses. First of all WWE came into being as a regional product then went around spending money across the country to buy tv or wrestlers to come to their promotion and leave the one they were working in order to spread their influence across the country. Sure they faced hard times during the nineties, but they also had a court case for distributing steroids and got out of that some how despite the fact that later almost everybody admitted they did steroids including the poster boy Hulk Hogan. During their fight with WCW they employed lots of lawsuits to try and hinder their development and with the third party fighting them, ECW, they signed wrestlers to bigger deals to leave.

Throughout their history wrestlers who work for them have been considered independent contractors which means WWE doesn't have to pay for their shit. These people travel across the country and and work nearly everyday for the WWE, but somehow aren't actual employees. When wrestlers are fired or quit they are subject to a 90 day no compete clause, which is bullshit because it has been beaten in court by two of the bigger name wrestlers who left and had the money to fight WWE in Alberto Del Rio and CM Punk. Recently they tried to get a bunch of wrestlers to sign contracts that would prohibit them from working for companies that have TV deals or streaming services, but allow them to work smaller indie shows.

Now, Linda McMahon is a good business person, not great, we know that from WWE's many pitfalls like the XFL (which I personally thought was awesome, but didn't catch on) and the bodybuilding league. But what she doesn't do is promote small businesses. WWE has had a monopoly on wrestling ever since they bought WCW through some what dubious methods and in any respected industry the government would have looked at that purchase and said it was not legal and forced WWE to at least sell parts of WCW off like it does with phone or cable company mergers.

So today I say goodbye to the WWE and that's going to be rough, but I can't just boycott stuff I didn't like in the first place. But really I'm looking as it more as a chance to support an actual small business that Linda McMahon is supposed to be promoting anyway. I'm not sure which company it will be, but it will be a company that promotes the inclusiveness and positivity that I embrace.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Fantasy Booking Bullet Club's debut in WWE

The apparent signings of Shinsuke Nakamura, AJ Styles, Luke Gallows, and Karl Anderson were too much for me to resist the idea of writing out how I'd book their debuts. I focus on Styles being the leader of Bullet Club with Gallows and Anderson so a lot of Nakamura is ignored, but there are some hints of him including his first Wrestlemania match. This was reworked with some injury news, and some guesses at when some guys will be back from injury as well.

Royal Rumble

Anderson, Gallows, and Styles are all in the rumble. They work together to eliminate some people but nothing super obvious. Styles, Owens, Reigns, and Brock are the last four in the match. They all team up against Brock but it doesn't work. Brock eliminates Owens and Reigns. Gallows and Anderson come down and distract Brock allowing Styles to eliminate him and win.


Styles cuts a promo about Bullet Club with his two dumb enforcers with him. Heyman comes out and says Brock's coming for him at Wrestlemania. He's going to be training hard on his ranch. Owens comes out and challenges him for Fast Lane. Roman feuds with the Authority.

Fast Lane

Anderson & Gallows vs. New Day, Bullet Club can't make progress in the match with Xavier interference so they get some chairs and leave the tag champs laying in the ring.

AJ Styles vs. Kevin Owens have a back and forth match, Styles retains by interference from Samoa Joe who joins Bullet Club as the fourth member.


Bullet Club cut a promo and they start too sweeting and crotch chopping now, got to slowly introduce ripping off nWo and D-X. Owens cuts a promo about how he didn't want to have to do this, but he's got friends too and out comes Sami Zayn.
In a Fast Lane rematch Anderson and Gallows beat New Day to become the tag team champions. (I'm not happy about it either)


Nakamura vs. D-Bry (This has nothing to do with Bullet Club, but I want it to happen)

Anderson & Gallows vs. Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn ends a double count out as it just becomes a brawl into the crowd.
Samoa Joe beats Dean Ambrose for the IC Title
Roman Reigns beats HHH (That's why he's not involved with BC yet)
AJ Styles vs. Brock Lesnar is a back and forth match and when BC comes down to interfere Zayn, Owens, and Ambrose stop them from interfering. Styles beats Lesnar with a foreign object while the ref is distracted by the ringside brawl.


Bullet Club beat Ambrose, Owens, Zayn, and Daniel Bryan. After they win the match they continue the beat down. The lights go out and Finn Balor shows up on the stage. Bullet Club looks happy. Balor calls them out and tells them they're being assholes then lets Styles know he's coming for the belt. Styles tells him he's got to go through the rest of Bullet Club first.
Roman Reigns says he was distracted by the Authority but he's coming for the belt now and he doesn't care how many friends Styles has.


Cesaro comes back and he teams up with Balor to take on Anderson & Gallows, cool. Oops, Cesaro is a dirty traitor and turns on Balor before the match starts and he gets the shit kicked out of him.
Samoa Joe retains the IC title over Ambrose
AJ Styles beats Roman Reigns with Cesaro interference after Zayn and Owens trap Gallows, Anderson, and Joe in their locker room.


HHH says he's tired of Bullet Club ripping off the Kliq and he's going to even up the numbers advantage. At Extreme Rules it's a four corners match Styles vs. Ambrose vs. Reigns vs. SETH ROLLINS!
Cesaro beats Del Rio for the US Title.

Extreme Rules

Styles retains in the four way match. Rollins doesn't do anything heelish, but the other two don't trust him.
Anderson & Gallows beat Owens & Zayn in a street fight.
Cesaro retains against Del Rio rematch
Samoa Joe loses to Balor in a non-title cage match.


Balor points out he found a weak spot in the Bullet Club armor. And he's found the perfect people to back him up. Sierra, Hotel, India, Echo, Lima, Delta, the fucking Shield's back together and backing up Balor.

June PPV

Styles beats Balor with some shenanigans but Shield stop interference.
Samoa Joe retains IC title against Seth Rollins
Anderson & Gallows beat Ambrose & Reigns

Money in the Bank

Styles beats Seth Rollins to retain world title
Finn Balor beats John Cena in a number one contender match
Cesaro retains US title against Nakamura
Samoa Joe retains IC title against D-Bry
Owens & Zayn win the tag belts in triple threat against Gallows & Anderson, and Ambrose & Reigns

Balor beats Styles in a steel cage
Cesaro retains against John Cena
Samoa Joe retains against Nakamura
Zayn & Owens retain belts against Ambrose & Reigns. Gallows and Anderson lay out everybody after the match


Balor cuts a promo talking about how Bullet Club has shown they aren't unstoppable and he has the proof in his hands. Bullet Club come down and beat the shit out of him. Zayn and Owens run down and get beat up too. The Shield run in next and Bullet Club retreats.

Hell in a Cell

Balor retains against Styles in Hell in a Cell
Gallows & Anderson win tag belts in a no-dq match against Zayn & Owens
Samoa Joe retains against Roman Reigns
Cesaro retains the US title against Nakamura


Balor, Shield, and Zayn challenge Bullet Club to Survivor Series. Styles says Survivor Series isn't what Bullet Club and says it's going to be Wargames. Owens is by them and pissed he didn't get chosen. I wonder what this could lead to.

Survivor Series

Bullet Club wins War Games with Styles making Balor tap to the calf slicer
Kevin Owens beats Nakamura


Styles is cocky and challenges Balor at TLC
Owens says they should have taken him, he's a winner.


Balor retains the world title in an awesome TLC match against Styles
New Day beat Gallows, Anderson, & Cesaro for the tag belts.
Samoa Joe loses IC title to Owens
Cesaro retains US title against Zayn

Now all the members of Bullet Club are over as is Balor and Zayn with their introductions and then Owens turns on Zayn in the rumble and sets up their Wrestlemania match. I don't state it but Styles should never be pinned or submitted before Summerslam. Not even behind the refs back and definitely not in any six man tags or random tag matches. He never takes a loss until Balor beats him,