Monday, July 9, 2018

PWG Mystery Vortex 2

Cedrick Alexander vs. Trevor Lee vs. Andrew Everett

Holy shit this match is awesome! I remember it being good, but it is so much more than that. The pace is fast and they do a good job of cycling between everybody with them getting taken out and resting at ringside. Everett and Lee make great debuts on this show. Everett hits probably the biggest springboard Shooting Star Press to the outside on Lee. He gets an insane amount of height. Cedrick takes a more toned down role as the bruiser in this match and hits some brutal sounding chops. Just so much good stuff in this match.

Peter Avalon, Johnny Goodtime & Johnny Yuma vs. B-Boy, Willie Mack & Joey Ryan

I really like the local boy six man tags PWG used to do. They're simple, but fun matches and like all of them this opens with some good comedy stuff then just becomes a chaotic tag match. Everybody gets to hit their spots and do some good team work stuff.

Anthony Nese vs. Roderick Strong

Solid match between these two guys. I don't really care for Nese so it's fine, but nothing special. Nese does cool dives and Strong does his awesome backbreakers and eventually gets a win.

African American Wolves vs. Inner City Machine Guns vs. Unbreakable F'N Machines

Couple of guys who turned out to be real shitbags are in this match, but whatever. Holy fuck this match is way too long. It's a lot of fun and everybody hits every single one of their spots in this match, but it just meanders for too long. It's fun watching the big guys throwing around the tiny flippy wrestlers and it's cool when Cage and Elgin hit their dives. Definitely could have done with cutting like ten minutes out of the match though. On the plus side commentary does have Chuck Taylor making fun of AR Fox so that's good. Ricochet hits a Fosbury Flop over the ringpost while AR Fox hits a tope con hilo over the opposite corner. The most interesting thing in this match is just the juxtaposition of how those two high fly. Ricochet does everything with precision and grace and AR Fox just fucking chucks his body around.

Tommaso Ciampa vs. Chris Hero

These two dudes go fucking hard in this match. At times it's a little too much of the same strike over and over, but these two know how to throw them well. I love watching dirtbag wrestler Ciampa as he bites people and just acts like a dick as a heel wrestler and it's so much fun. I like Hero's blend of hardnosed striking, but still bringing in his technical wrestling to keep a guy down and set up more strikes.

Johnny Gargano vs. Kyle O'Reilly

Great match between these two. O'Reilly goes after the should for most of the match and Johnny plays the underdog so well at fighting back while hurt. Kyle is so good at delivering a flurry of moves into a pinfall or submission and his strikes are on point as well. The match really builds up the danger of the cross armbreaker and Gargano's need to get out of the move as soon as he's in it and it makes the end when Kyle grabs a leg as well as the arm that you know Johnny isn't getting to the ropes and he has to tap. Gargano hitting a superkick that knocks Kyle's mouthguard out was an awesome visual as well. Just a really good match between two great wrestlers.

The Young Buck vs. Best Friends

As you might expect from these two teams the match starts off with a bunch of shenanigans which results in Nick Jackson trying and failing to put on the superlong trench coat the Best Friends use for the really tall man chokeslam. Trent plays the face in peril for a bit before getting a hot tag and then it's mayhem with all four men in pretty much from then on and it's great. The finishing sequence of this match is perfect. The Young Bucks cheat to stop a three count or submission from happening so many times and the crowd is going apeshit for them to lose before they do it. I loved Matt stopping a count by hitting the ref over the back of the head with his cast. Adam Cole interference stops Rick Knox from making a three count to Knox superkicks Cole and Trent follows up with a tope con hilo. Cole distracts Knox again from seeing a tap out then Matt low blows Chuck with the cast and Nick rolls him up for a three count. It's so frustrating and it's perfect. Great tag team work from all of these guys and man the Young Bucks are annoying.

Adam Cole vs. Candice LeRae

Adam Cole is a real dick and that's the story of this match. He undestimates Candice and she takes every opportunity and punishes him. When she is hitting the violence party in the corner and the crowd is going nuts its the fucking best. Adam Cole starts the match by using his size advantage to hit two of the most brutal looking powerslam's I've ever seen. Candice hits a beautiful springboard reverse 'rana. Maybe the best one I've ever seen her hit. She also delivers a perfect flying 'rana off the top to Adam Cole. She brings her A-game and makes it count. Ultimately Adam Cole is too strong and hits his big moves and puts her down for a three count with the straight jacket german suplex. Candice really should have been the one to end Adam's reign. Maybe not in this match, but definitely in a rematch. Adam Cole proves how much of a dick he is after the match by starting an ovation for Candice then clotheslining her after a hug and having Nick Jackson come in and superkick her before Joey chases them out of the ring with a chair.

This is a damn good show as all PWG shows from this time are. Two of these matches are fucking great and everything else is fun. Definitely a show you should check out.